属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
1 | 更成熟的作家不会这样放纵地发泄愁闷。 | The more adult writers do not indulge in such wanton exhibitions of spleen. | |
2 | 这是个古怪的世界。大多数的成年人都希望自己看起来显得年轻,然而大多数的年轻人却忙着使自己看起来像个大人。 | It’s a crazy world. Most adults would love to look younger than they really are while most young people are busy trying to look more adult . | |
3 | ||1:不是所有最近退役的士兵都像昆士昂那样幸运,能找到份工作。||2:目前在美国,大约八十万退伍兵处于失业状态;生活在贫困线以下的退役士兵有一百四十万人;每三个成年无家可归者中就有一个是退伍兵。||3:在十一月的调查中发现,在美国两千一百万退伍兵里,总失业率为7.4%。这一比例确实要比全国失业率的8.6%要低。但从伊拉克和阿富汗战场上回到国内的退役士兵,失业率却为11.1%。||4:而年龄在18到24岁的退役士兵,失业率已从10月的30.4%激增到11月的37.9%。 | ||1: Not all recent veterans are so lucky. ||2: Around 800,000 veterans are jobless, 1.4m live below the poverty line, and one in every three homeless adult men in America is a veteran. ||3: Though the overall unemployment rate among America’s 21m veterans in November (7.4%) was lower than the national rate (8.6%), for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan it was 11.1%. ||4: And for veterans between the ages of 18 and 24, it was a staggering 37.9%, up from 30.4% just a month earlier. | |
4 | ||1:从生物学上讲,这是荒唐的。||2:当然除非生态系统的顶级掠食者——即是能捕杀成年的鸟脚亚目食草恐龙的——并不完全是恐龙。||3:而且,当洛克里与卢卡斯博士对这些线索进行重新检查时,他们发现那正是曾经所发生的。||4:在出土的恐龙公路上,超过1/4的地区已发现鳄鱼的踪迹。||5:而且它们很大:有时超过4米长,大到足以捕杀一头成年鸟脚亚目食草恐龙。 | ||1: That is ecologically absurd. ||2: Unless, of course, the top predator of the system—the one that could hunt down adult ornithopods—was not a dinosaur at all. ||3: And, when Dr Lockley and Dr Lucas re-examined the tracks they found that that was exactly what was going on. ||4: Instead of theropod footmarks, they found those of crocodilians.More than a quarter of the places where the dinosaur freeway surfaces have yielded signs of crocs. ||5: And they were big: sometimes more than four metres long. That is certainly large enough to take on an adult ornithopod. | |
5 | ||1:这颗牙不是很大,其尺寸表明牙齿的主人不超过一米五(约五英尺)。||2:这样的掠食者本不能捕食一头成年鸟脚亚目食草恐龙。||3:但无可争辩的是,这颗牙是第一个鳄鱼目动物拿恐龙当点心的证据。||4:此外,这也有助于消除对庄姆海勒与博依德发现的其它看似鳄鱼咬痕的怀疑。||5:结合对这个地区的分析,两位研究者认为他们所发现的是一个遭到鳄鱼目动物偷袭的恐龙筑巢地。 | ||1: It was not a large tooth. Its size suggests the animal which made it was no more than a metre and a half (about 5 feet) long. ||2: Such a predator would have been unable to take on an adult ornithopod. ||3: Nevertheless, this tooth is the first unarguable proof that crocodilians did indeed snack on dinosaurs. ||4: Moreover, it helps to confirm suspicions that the other crocodile-bite-like marks that Ms Drumheller and Mr Boyd have discovered really are what they look like. ||5: By combining that with an analysis of the whole site, the two researchers argue that what they have discovered is a dinosaur nesting ground that was being raided by crocodilians. | |
6 | ||1:这种毒素是地球上最危险的物质之一,它是由一种叫肉毒杆菌的细菌合成。||2:仅仅很小的量(小于一微克)就足以杀死一个健康成年人。||3:这种毒素能结合到一种叫做synaptotagmin(SYT)的蛋白上,SYT则位于神经肌肉接头处神经细胞的细胞膜表面。||4:然后这种毒素被吞入细胞内部,进而让另外一个叫SNAP-25的蛋白失活,SNAP-25的作用是帮助一种叫乙酰胆碱的化学信使的释放。||5:这种化学信使的作用则是让肌肉细胞进行收缩。||6:没有这种信号的话,肌肉便停止工作了。||7:如果全身都发生这样的情况,死亡便接踵而来。 | ||1:This toxin is one of the most dangerous substances on earth.It is made by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum.||2:Even a small amount (less than a microgram) is enough to kill a healthy adult.||3:The toxin molecules attach themselves to a protein called synaptotagmin, which is found on the surface membranes of nerve cells at their junctions with muscle cells.||4:Thence they are ingested into the cell, where they disable another protein, SNAP-25, the role of which is to help release a chemical messenger called acetylcholine.||5:This messenger’s job is to tell muscle cells to contract.||6:Without that signal, muscles stops working.||7:If this happens all over the body, death is rapid. | |
7 | 帕图的店家都很兴奋。一位经营摩托车的店主说现在每家都是成年人人手一辆车,而不是像十几年前一样,每家只有一辆,大家合伙骑。古鲁巴朗也开始进了3D电视的货,每台要95000卢比,(1700美元)。毫无疑问,看电视的人将看到更多想买的东西。 | Chengalpattu’s shopkeepers are upbeat. A motorcycle vendor says families are buying one bike per adult, rather than one for everyone to share, as they did a few years ago. Mr Gurubaran has started stocking 3D televisions that cost 95,000 rupees ($1,700) a pop. Viewers will doubtless see even more new products to crave. | |
8 | “对我们来说,这是纯粹的务实性。我们觉得我们的生活要有更多的成人成分在里面。” | "For us, it was sheer practicality. We thought our life had to assume a more adult size. " | |
9 | 但这些小东西是他成人化的作品主题里一匹聪慧的特洛伊木马。 | But these tiny characters were a clever Trojan horse for his more adult themes. | |
10 | 况且,自从幼儿园时期起,成年人的谈话一直是令她鼓舞的。 | adults more , adult s’ speech has been encouraging to her since her kindergarten time . | |
11 | 人力资本是指更多的孩子有学上,而且要上大学,教育资质更高,成人教育更多,生活地更健康。 | Human capital means more children at school and university, higher educational qualifications, more adult education and healthier lives. |